Bolt cutter proof padlock and chain we named Padlock Protection is Australian designed and manufactured locking system replacing a standard padlock and mild steel chain.
Padlock Protection includes 10mm diameter high tensile chain cannot be cut with a bolt cutter no matter how long the bolt cutter is.
thieves and vandals
breaking into or stealing your possessions
99% of thieves use one of three methods to break a padlock or cut a link in mild steel chain, they are
The Padlock Protection patented locking system is designed to stop all three above methods thieves use to break a padlock or cut mild steel chain.
A leverage attack involves twisting the mild steel chain to make it taut then place a spanner around the padlock body then pull down and turn.
this is
very quick
very quiet
one of the following will happen
10mm diameter high tensile chain included with each Padlock Protection cannot be broken with a leverage attack.
the average padlock
only requires a 10 inch spanner to break it
quick and quiet method
to break most padlocks
For the small percentage of people who have purchased a more robust padlock all that is required to break them is a longer spanner or as you can see in the following picture, place a hollow steel tube on the end of the spanner to gain additional leverage.
the fact is
If a thief can place a spanner around the padlock body or its shackle and twist it, your security will break.
Hit the top edge of the padlock body with a hammer or hammer and something like a cold chisel, screwdriver or similar to break apart the padlock.
Practically all people who use a padlock and chain use thin 4mm or 6mm diameter mild steel chain easily cut in a few seconds with a cheap 12 inch bolt cutter purchased at Bunnings, Mitre 10 or any hardware shop for about five dollars.
stop the above
three methods by purchasing
Use Padlock Protection where ever a padlock and chain is required to stop thieves - vandals from breaking into or stealing your property.
Practically all people who buy a padlock and chain buy a cheap padlock and thin 4mm or 6mm diameter mild steel chain and give no thought how easy it is for a thief to break what they have just purchased.
we cannot emphasise enough
security is only as strong
as its weakest point
Security of your valuable possessions should be high up if not on top of your to do list.
I have never been broken into
so why should I upgrade my security
my reply is
after you are broken into its too late
you have lost $$$$$
be proactive - not reactive
We are not saying everyone but a very high percentage of people have no problem
But when it comes to protecting their valuable possessions being stolen for about the cost of one night in a hotel they say, its too expensive.
decide yourself
Thin mild steel chain and a cheap padlock. Mild steel chain is easy and quick to cut with a short 12 inch bolt cutter purchased at a hardware shop for about five dollars.
Padlock Protection
Includes 10mm diameter high tensile chain cannot be cut with a bolt cutter no matter how long the bolt cutter is.
thieves and vandals breaking into or stealing your valuable possessions
We have created, for your convenience, a list of security products using the patented Australian made steel shroud as the locking system, following are three examples.
Before we sold the first bolt cutter proof padlock and chain locking system in March 2004 we, the Australian manufacturer, gave a lot of thought to how long should we guarantee each.
We knew for a fact this Australian made locking system will last a life time eg. 25, 50 or 75 years maybe longer due to the superior materials used to manufacture them plus no welded parts, no bolts or screws used but we also knew we had to be realistic.
Decided to give all purchasers a 10 year manufacturer warranty.
we are proud to say
since our first sale in March 2004
until today September 10, 2024
we have never had a
warranty claim
not many companies can state the above fact
each includes
last updated
Tuesday September 10, 2024
copyright © 1982 – 2024