Enforcer Wheel Clamp
Australian made

stops all
opportunistic, smash and grab
semi professional thieves

stealing your
caravan, camper trailer, boat trailer
or other recreational vehicle

why did we design the Enforcer Wheel Clamp

May 2003 we started to design a new security device to replace a padlock and mild steel chain, we initially named it Padlock Protection.

Australian made Padlock Protection locking system securing a pair of gates
securing a pair of gates

March 2004 we sold the first Padlock Protection.

January 2005 we were surprised how many Padlock Protection we had sold.

This got me thinking there must be other security products with an inferior locking system I could replace with Padlock Protection.

I spent the next 6 months looking at a number of security products.

July 2005 I decided the wheel clamp will be the product to change but realised I could not replace the lock used on all wheel clamps with Padlock Protection.


I had to re-invent a new unique designed wheel clamp.

that is what I did

Based on my research between January to July 2005 all but two wheel clamp brands are made in China.

China has a reputation of making low cost, mass produced products.

There is nothing wrong with a low cost visual deterrent wheel clamp if the replacement value of the recreational vehicle is less than $4000.

But if the vehicle replacement value is between $10,000 to $90,000 or more.

you need more than a visual deterrent

August 2005 I started to design a new wheel clamp.

Today January 19, 2025 wheel clamps sold in Australian retail and online shops are made in China and each will only fit a limited number of different size wheels.

Australian made Enforcer Wheel Clamp

Is specifically designed to fit all size wheels from the smallest pop top caravan wheel up to the largest 4wd off road camper trailer wheel with coil springs and / or piston suspension and all size wheels between without adjusting anything.

Enforcer Wheel Clamp
Enforcer Wheel Clamp stops opportunistic, smash and grab, semi professional thieves cutting chain or breaking a padlock
security rating
Superior Protection

stops all

opportunistic, smash and grab, semi professional thieves cutting chain or breaking a padlock

plus its

quick and simple to fit to and remove from a wheel

Enforcer Wheel Clamp 10 out of 10 security rating and insurance approved

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Enforcer Wheel Clamp stops thieves stealing your recreational vehicle

You worked hard to save enough money for a deposit or buy the recreational vehicle outright just to have some low life thief steal your valuable investment.

you must protect your
recreational vehicle being stolen


fit to one wheel

Australian made
highest security rated
insurance approved

Enforcer Wheel Clamp

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how are recreational vehicles stolen so easily

no security including

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Enforcer Wheel Clamp includes

1: stainless steel shield
2: bolt cutter proof 10mm diameter high tensile chain
3: lock

1: stainless steel shield

unique stainless steel shield standing in front of a vehicles wheel

what does the stainless steel shield do

It stands in front of the wheel its going to protect.

It covers the wheel nuts and the tyres valve and keeps the included bolt cutter proof 10mm diameter high tensile chain in the correct position via four specifically positioned holes, two at the top and two at the bottom.

bolt cutter proof 10mm diameter high tensile chain wraps around the leaf springs and through the holes in the stainless steel shield then locks at the front

If your recreational vehicle has coil springs and / or a piston suspension a similar fitting method is used.

Kimberley Kamper
back of Kimberley Kamper wheel showing how the high tensile chain wraps around the chassis and wheel

Enforcer Wheel Clamp stainless steel shield fits all size wheels from the smallest pop top caravan wheel up to the largest 4wd off road camper trailer wheel and all size wheels between without adjusting anything no matter the make, model or year of the vehicle you want to protect.

2: bolt cutter proof 10mm diameter high tensile chain

After we designed Enforcer Wheel Clamp using a single length of chain we then had to choose the type of chain to use.

We had to consider strength, the weight for use and postage cost, external finish as some vehicles will be left outside in all types of weather conditions.

we chose

10mm diameter high tensile chain, the manufactured name is, grade 70 high tensile chain - bolt cutter proof chain.


10mm diameter high tensile chain cannot be cut with a bolt cutter no matter how long the bolt cutter is

3: lock

Abus 83/45 padlock
Enforcer Wheel Clamp includes Abus 83/45 padlock

The Abus 83/45 padlock has many benefits including

As you can see in the picture of the Enforcer Wheel Clamp below the position of the padlock plus both thicknesses of the 10mm diameter high tensile chain ensures a thief cannot place the cutting blades of a bolt cutter around the padlocks shackle stopping the thief cutting the shackle.

Enforcer Wheel Clamp stops opportunistic, smash and grab, semi professional thieves cutting chain or breaking a padlock
security rating
Superior Protection

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how to fit Enforcer Wheel Clamp

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difference between imported wheel clamps and Australian made Enforcer Wheel Clamp

We sold our first Enforcer Wheel Clamp in March 2007.

During the next couple of years we were occasionally asked what is the difference between imported wheel clamps and ours.

We explained, after a while we thought it would be easier for purchaser to see the difference.

Imported wheel clamps either have two or three arms only wrapping around the width of the tyre and nothing securing the wheel clamp to the vehicles chassis and each only fit two or a limited number of different size wheels.

Klamp It Wheel Clamp
Klamp It Wheel Clamp
Haigh Locking Wheel Clamp
Haigh Locking Wheel Clamp
Arc Wheel Clamp
Ark Wheel Clamp

Enforcer Wheel Clamp is unique

Enforcer Wheel Clamp is unique, it has no arms wrapping around the wheel instead it uses a single length of bolt cutter proof 10mm diameter high tensile chain

the difference is

high tensile chain
wrapped around the leaf springs and wheel
bolt cutter proof 10mm diameter high tensile chain wrapped around the leaf springs and wheel

Or another part of the chassis if being fitted to a recreational vehicle with coil springs and / or piston suspension.

Aussie Swag Explorer wheel
back of Aussie Swag Explorer wheel showing how the high tensile chain wraps around the chassis and wheel

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before buying a wheel clamp

imported China made wheel clamps you have to

Australian made Enforcer Wheel Clamp

measure nothing before purchasing

Enforcer Wheel Clamp fits all size wheels from the smallest pop top caravan wheel up to the largest 4wd off road camper trailer wheel and all size wheels between without adjusting anything.


Enforcer Wheel Clamp includes bolt cutter proof 10mm diameter high tensile chain cannot be cut with a bolt cutter no matter how long the bolt cutter is.

when buying Enforcer Wheel Clamp

all you have to do is think
I need a wheel clamp

Then go to our web site, select Enforcer Wheel Clamp.

Enforcer Wheel Clamp stops opportunistic, smash and grab, semi professional thieves cutting chain or breaking a padlock
security rating
Superior Protection

Select what type of vehicle do you want to secure so we know the length of 10mm diameter high tensile chain to include


Type your name, address, contact details, your method of payment then click the "send me my order" button.

that is it

We post your order the next business day after receiving your full payment in our company bank account.

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10 year Australian manufacturer warranty

Before we sold the first Australian made Enforcer Wheel Clamp in March 2007 we, the Australian manufacturer, gave a lot of thought to how long should we guarantee each Enforcer Wheel Clamp.

We knew for a fact the Enforcer Wheel Clamp will last a life time eg. 25, 50 or 75 years maybe longer due to the superior materials used to manufacture them plus no welded parts, no bolts or screws used but we also knew we had to be realistic.

we the manufacturer

Decided to give all purchasers a 10 year manufacturer warranty.

There is no other wheel clamp brand made world wide guaranteed by the manufacturer for 10 years.

in fact

Imported wheel clamp brands do not include a manufacturer warranty.

we are proud to say

since our first sale in March 2007

until today January 19, 2025

we have never had a warranty claim

we are 100% sure we never will

not many companies can state the above fact

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Enforcer Wheel Clamp manufacturer direct special offer

pay wholesale price

free delivery

Australia only

10 year warranty

January 26, 2025

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security products we make and / or sell

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what to do next

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site map

last updated
Sunday January 19, 2025

copyright © 1982 – 2025