To stop thieves breaking into their property and / or stealing their valuable possession, for example
You believe securing an item with a chain and padlock will stop theft, this depends on the security rating of the chain and padlock.
So why do 99% of purchasers buy thin 4mm or 6mm diameter mild steel chain a thief can cut in a few of seconds with a short 12 inch long bolt cutter and a low quality padlock both purchased at Bunnings, Mitre 10 or any hardware shop.
its cheap
Thin mild steel chain is OK if the item secured has a replacement value between $100 - $500 but as the replacement value increases you should seriously consider buying security that cannot be cut with a short 12 inch bolt cutter purchased for about five dollars at your local hardware shop.
To protect your valuable possession being stolen by an opportunistic, smash and grab or semi professional thief you need to buy 10mm diameter high tensile chain, this cannot be cut with a bolt cutter no matter how long the bolt cutter is.
we only sell
10mm diameter high tensile chain
Have a look at the following two pictures, which one looks more secure, the first thin mild steel chain or the second High Security Padlocks made in Australia, you may notice its the same double gates being secured.
Thin mild steel chain and a cheap padlock. Mild steel chain is easy and quick to cut with a short 12 inch bolt cutter purchased at a hardware shop for about five dollars.
High Security Padlocks Australia include 10mm diameter high tensile chain cannot be cut with a bolt cutter no matter how long the bolt cutter is.
Based on insurance statistics the first three on the above list commit 99.8% of all break-ins and theft. The last, professional only commit 0.2% of thefts.
Most people do not have to bother about a professional thief.
A professional thief targets the item they want to steal, they stake out where its kept, figures out the tools they need to break-in and steal the item, take the tools with them and have a planned exit just in case something goes wrong with their plans.
We suggest if you are one of those 99.8% and you need a chain and padlock to secure an item you should consider purchasing
High Security Padlocks Australian locking system
each includes
a padlock and mild steel chain
There is no other security device sold world wide that completely encloses the
We have created, for your convenience, a list of security products using the patented Australian made steel shroud as the locking system, following are three examples.
Before we sold the first High Security Padlocks Australia locking system in March 2004 we, the Australian manufacturer, gave a lot of thought to how long should we guarantee each.
We knew for a fact this Australian made locking system will last a life time eg. 25, 50 or 75 years maybe longer due to the superior materials used to manufacture them plus no welded parts, no bolts or screws used but we also knew we had to be realistic.
Decided to give all purchasers a 10 year manufacturer warranty.
we are proud to say
since our first sale in March 2004
until today January 19, 2025
we have never had a
warranty claim
not many companies can state the above fact
each includes
last updated
Sunday January 19, 2025
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