Masterlock padlock
Masterlock padlock
- sold all stock, new stock arrives: October 25, 2024
- price: TBA
- online sales only, no in store pick up
- delivery: free for orders over $150 or $12.95 through out Australia - small express post bag max 5kg
- need more information, pre-order or place your order us
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do you or will you use chain with the padlock
if yes
99% of people who use chain with their padlock buy thin 4mm or 6mm diameter mild steel chain that is easily cut in a few seconds with a cheap 12 inch bolt cutter purchased at Bunnings, Mitre 10 or any hardware shop for about five dollars.
we suggest
Buying bolt cutter proof 10mm diameter high tensile chain that cannot be cut with a bolt cutter no matter how long the bolt cutter is with your new Masterlock padlock.
we sell
10mm diameter high tensile chain
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duty of care
We have a duty of care to inform you 99% of all padlocks can be broken by one of three methods, they are
leverage attack
hammer attack
bolt cutter attack
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exclusive reseller for Australian made Padlock Protection
If the item you want to secure requires a chain we suggest you consider the Australian designed and made, worlds highest security rated locking system
Designed to stop all methods used to break a padlock and / or cut chain, first sale March 2004.
consists of three components
- patented steel shroud manufactured from a steel billet using state of the art CNC machining technology
- customised padlock fits inside Padlock Protection patented steel shroud, the padlocks shackle has to be completely removable from the body, as you can see in the pictures below, allowing the shackle to be placed through the top of the steel shroud
- Padlock Protection includes bolt cutter proof 10mm diameter high tensile chain, cannot be cut with a bolt cutter no matter how long the bolt cutter is
steel shroud, customised padlock, high tensile chain
customised padlock fits inside the steel shroud
10mm diameter high tensile chain
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do you own a camper trailer, caravan or boat and trailer
if yes
we are the exclusive reseller for the highest security rated, Australian made one size wheel clamp, nothing to adjust to fit all size wheels
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security products we make and / or sell
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what to do next
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last updated
Tuesday September 10, 2024
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